This weekend’s Daylight Savings Time launches us forward into warmer weather months—an exciting time for those sick of shivering and shoveling. For members of the Mosquito Control Department, it marks the beginning of a busy season, made especially hectic by the inevitable resurgence of the mosquito-borne Zika virus.
Last summer, Zika surpassed West Nile as the biggest mosquito-borne threat facing Americans. The discovery of Zika’s effect on developing fetuses and potential to cause long-term neurological problems prompted scientists to begin researching a cure for the virus—a cure that won’t come to fruition for 10 years, by expert estimates.
With mosquito season right around the corner and a cure for the Zika virus a decade away, the nation’s vector abatement professionals are gearing-up for round two of their fight with Zika. GovPilot is honored to play Mickey Goldmill to their Rocky Balboa, preparing them for a rematch with their well-publicized opponent with the following 5 tools.
5 GovPilot Tools Helping Mosquito Control Departments Prepare for Another Summer of Zika
- Digital Form
GovPilot’s crowdsourced-powered approach to pest control differentiates it from other mosquito control platforms. Clients host GovPilot’s digital “Report a Mosquito Concern” form on their official website. Widely accessible (the form can be edited and submitted from virtually any device) and easy to use, the form is a receptacle for constituents’ warranted Zika-related fears.
Constituents’ firsthand, real time accounts of mosquito infestation are stored in GovPilot’s web-based server. Server data is mined by GovPilot’s workflow automation and mapping tools, described below in greater detail.
- GovAlert Mobile App
Camden County, New Jersey closed summer 2016 with a press conference, at which Freeholder, Carmen Rodriguez, credited GovPilot’s aforementioned digital forms with helping the county prevent the spread of Zika.
Camden County’s success with crowdsourced mosquito control inspired the GovPilot team to develop a mobile app that takes convenient reporting a step further.

Available for free download for both iOS and Android, GovAlert sits on the user’s smartphone screen, beside their most frequently used apps. A wizard format directs them to snap a picture of a heap of garbage, neglected swimming pool or other potential mosquito breeding ground, draft a brief description and hit, “Submit”. In the time it takes to send a text message, users have generated a comprehensive report of mosquito infestation and sent it to their local Mosquito Control Department.
- Workflow Automation
An automated workflow carries mosquito-related concerns from reception to resolution with minimal interference.
Concerns are carried through the Mosquito Control Department’s established chain of command and order of operations via GovPilot automation. Instantaneous task allocation and scheduling eliminate miscommunication and other common impediments to progress.Alerts inform constituents of status updates in real time. Concerns are addressed swiftly, transparently and effectively for optimal productivity and priceless peace of mind.
Clients illustrate select data aggregated from GovAlert reports,digital form submissions and internal records on GovPilot’s geographic information system (GIS) map. Displayed on the municipal or county site, the map paints a clear picture of mosquito hotspots and treated areas. Accurate, easily digestible information about the extent and complexity of mosquito control initiatives eases constituent minds and helps maintain a united front in the battle against Zika.

- MailMerge
Even constituents who don’t visit the map can benefit from its insights. MailMerge integration allows vector abatement officials to pinpoint districts and email or mail residents a personalized, automated message regarding a scheduled spray, chemicals used and other critical information.
Before the bell signaling the start of Mosquito Control vs. Zika: Round 2 sounds, GovPilot urges all vector abatement professionals to familiarize themselves with the wealth of GovPilot tools at their disposal. Contact GovPilot Support to begin.