
Promote Accountability

Harness the power of crowdsourcing to increase the effectiveness of vacant property management initiatives.


Track and Analyze Patterns

GIS paints a clear picture of blight in your community, allowing for in-depth analysis of trends.


Break the Cycle

This snowballing issue of property abandonment rolls to a halt once GovPilot enters the equation.

Trusted By Forward-Thinking Governments

"We were able to make far more informed decisions"
Marc Leckington, Chief of Housing Trenton, NJ
"Helpful for record keeping and tracking"
Brian Dyer, Code Enforcement Agent Raleigh, NC
Washington Borough
"Ability to view property parcels and other important information"
Matthew Hall, Borough Manager Washington, NJ

Real-life examples of local governments that resolved big issues with a little help from GovPilot.

Case Studies

It Takes a Village

A digital registration form and mobile app encourage residents to pitch-in to revive blighted districts.


Accurate Records and Representation

Comprehensive digital files join forces with GIS visualization to ensure that no unoccupied property or irresponsible owner goes unnoticed. Interactive map layers enable the government to effectively recognize and assess trends.


Our Solution is Your Solution

Access to detailed data helps potential buyers determine if they are up for the task before a purchase is made, reducing the likelihood of future vacancies.

Customer Success Stories

Elizabeth, NJ

“GovPilot is a game changer! Our response time is faster and there are far fewer errors in our workflows.”
Darren Bryden

Chief Information Officer



“Utilizing GovPilot, we can easily see trends with violations, plot them by geographic area and see common violators.”
Chris Willms

Zoning and Code Official


Future-Proof Your Vacant Property Management

Let's Talk