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How To Encourage Youth Participation in Local Democracy

By Anna Figliola

Many young people are preoccupied with the demands of their daily lives and a constant barrage of information on social media, leaving an entire demographic feeling disconnected from traditional forms of political engagement. 

But young people should be involved in their local democracy for many reasons! 

With the rapid pace of technological advancements and the growing allure of global issues overshadowing local matters, it can be difficult for local government officials to capture and retain the attention of youth. This disconnect is crucial to address, as fresh, young perspectives and innovative ideas are essential for addressing contemporary challenges and fostering a community that reflects the needs and aspirations of all its members.

Encouraging young people to understand that they have a voice and a responsibility in local government is vital for the health of democracy.  When youth actively participate in local governance, they not only contribute to more dynamic and inclusive decision-making but also cultivate a sense of civic responsibility and ownership of their community's future. 

Read on to learn about the importance of engaging the youth in democracy and how platforms like GovPilot offer tools and resources for officials aiming to increase youth participation in democracy, bridging the engagement gap with a user-friendly interface.

Table Of Contents: What To Expect  

  • Why Youth Participation In Local Democracy Is Important
  • Ways To Get Youth Engaged In Politics
  • The Benefits of Youth Participation In DemocracyGet a GovPilot Demo

Why Is Youth Participation in Local Democracy Important? 

As the future leaders, workforce, and caretakers of their communities, youth participation in local democracy is vital because they offer a unique understanding of contemporary issues that older generations might overlook. Young people bring innovative ideas that are forward-thinking, sustainable and address issues that directly affect them, such as education, housing, and employment opportunities. 

When young people see that their voices matter and can lead to tangible changes, they are more likely to remain engaged and active in civic life throughout their adulthood. This early involvement helps to cultivate a habit of participation, ensuring a continuous and evolving dialogue between citizens and their local government.

Check out how the Benefits of AI In Local Government can encourage youth participation in local politics and How To Inspire Constituents To Get Involved In Local Democracy with our resources!

The Basics of Engaging The Youth

Engaging young members of your community is usually vastly different than engaging adults. Engaging the youth requires local officials to be conscientious of their interests, fickle attention-spans and desires. Read on to learn the best ways to engage them: 

  • Be Relatable 

Local government officials can lessen the disconnect between themselves and youth in the community by actively listening to their concerns and demonstrating an understanding of the unique challenges they face. By attending youth-focused events, visiting schools, and engaging with young leaders, officials can show genuine interest in the issues that matter most to younger generations.

Highlighting how local policies directly impact areas of interest to young people, such as education, environmental sustainability, and job opportunities, can make local democracy feel more relevant and urgent.  

  • Make It About Them

Engaging youth to participate in democracy is most successful when local officials are able to focus on issues that directly impact the lives of community youth and offer a platform for their voices to be heard

Local officials can demonstrate that they are attuned to the priorities of younger generations by prioritizing policies and initiatives that address relevant concerns, including education, climate change, mental health, and employment opportunities. 

Hosting youth forums, creating advisory councils, and involving young people in decision-making processes can empower them to actively participate in shaping their communities. By showcasing success stories of young individuals who have made a difference through civic engagement, officials can inspire and motivate others to get involved. This targeted approach helps to build a more inclusive and representative governance system while encouraging younger people to share their own ideas and opinions. 

Learn What Constituents Want From Their Government Officials here! 

  • Highlight How Their Vote Can Help Others 

Younger generations tend to be more compassionate in their early voting, and local officials can highlight the tangible benefits that have resulted from youth participation in democracy to encourage civic engagement. By framing voting as a means of advocating for marginalized groups, supporting local initiatives, and fostering a more equitable society, officials can help young people see voting as a powerful tool for social good.  

Read our guide on 5 Ways Governments Can Encourage Increased Voter Turnout!

  • Incentivize Young People To Participate 

Young people often face numerous demands on their time and attention, from academic pressures to early career challenges, which can make civic engagement seem less urgent. Incentives encourage youth to participate in democracy by providing immediate and tangible benefits that align with their interests and goals, including scholarships, internships, mentorships, and prizes. 

When young people receive recognition and benefits for their civic activities, they are more likely to view democratic participation as both meaningful and advantageous, fostering a lifelong habit of engagement and community involvement. 

GovTip: Encourage young people in your community to Participate In E-Democracy, which may be a little more their speed

A Deeper Understanding: Ways To Get Young People Engaged In Politics 

There are key ways to attract young community members that have proven to be successful and impactful. Here are just a few key ways to engage the future of your community:

1. Educational Programs

Civic education can leverage educational programs to engage young people in politics by integrating civic education into school curriculums and offering extracurricular activities focused on governance. 

By collaborating with schools, universities, and youth organizations, officials can develop programs that teach students about the importance of local government, the electoral process, and how policies impact their daily lives.Interactive workshops, mock elections, and visits to government offices can provide hands-on learning experiences that make politics tangible and relevant. 

Is E-Voting The Future Of Local Government? Learn about it here!

2. Youth Advisory Councils

Youth advisory councils provide young people with a dedicated platform to share their perspectives, ideas, and concerns directly with policymakers. 

These councils are an inclusive approach that not only highlights the value of youth input but also addresses issues that uniquely affect younger generations, such as education, job opportunities, and environmental sustainability. Youth advisory councils can regularly meet with local officials, participate in public consultations, and provide feedback on proposed policies, ensuring that the views of younger constituents are considered in shaping community initiatives.

Organizing youth advisory councils is easier than ever with GovPilot’s Municipal and County Clerks’ Software

3. Social Media Campaigns

One reliable method for local government officials trying to engage young people in politics is by launching targeted social media campaigns that resonate with their interests and communication habits. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and Snapchat are integral parts of young people's lives, making them ideal channels for reaching and mobilizing this demographic. 

Hosting live Q&A sessions, virtual town halls, and interactive polls can create dynamic dialogues between local government and young people, fostering a sense of inclusion and responsiveness. By leveraging social media's interactive nature, officials can  demystify local politics, illustrate the impact of policies on everyday life, and highlight opportunities for civic participation.

Learn everything from GovPilot’s Local Government Social Media Strategy!

4. Mentorship and Internships

Mentorship and internships provide hands-on experience and personalized guidance for youth interested in political involvement. By offering internships within various municipal departments, young people can gain a comprehensive understanding of how local government operates and the intricacies of policy-making. 

Mentorship programs further enhance this engagement by pairing young individuals with experienced local officials who can offer insights, advice, and support. Through regular interactions, mentors can help mentees navigate the complexities of political processes, inspire confidence, and foster a sense of civic duty. 

Dive into The Benefits of Volunteerism For Local Governments here! 

5. Community Events and Forums

Events and forums within your community can capture the attention and interest of the younger generation by creating a space for dialogue, learning, and active participation. Officials should consider hosting events such as town hall meetings, public forums, and community workshops in youth-friendly environments, like schools, parks, or community centers, as these events can cover topics that resonate with youth, such as climate change, education reform, or social justice, ensuring that discussions are relevant and impactful.

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The Benefits of Youth Participation In Democracy 

Read on to learn just a few of the key benefits that come from engaging youth in local democratic processes: 

  • Fresh Perspectives and Innovative Ideas

Young people often approach problems with creativity and a willingness to challenge the status quo, bringing new solutions to long standing community issues. Their familiarity with emerging technologies and trends can help modernize public services and enhance community engagement strategies. 

Community youth are more attuned to contemporary social issues such as climate change, digital privacy, and social justice, which are increasingly important in shaping inclusive and sustainable policies.

Learn all about GovPilot’s Constituent Engagement Software here! 

  • Long-term Community Engagement

When young people are encouraged to participate in civic activities from an early age, they develop a lasting sense of responsibility and connection to their community. This continuous involvement helps build a pipeline of informed and passionate citizens who are prepared to step into leadership roles as they grow older. 

Local government officials can create ongoing opportunities for youth to engage in local politics by hosting advisory councils. When young people see that their voices are valued and their concerns are taken seriously, they are more likely to remain engaged and invested in their local government. 

  • Representation of Diverse Interests

Active involvement of youth in democracy ensures a more realistic representation of diverse interests within local government. Diverse youth participation helps bridge generational divides and promotes a more cohesive community

By prioritizing the inclusion of young, diverse voices, local government officials can better address the needs of a more comprehensive range of constituents, including those who might otherwise be underrepresented. This ongoing engagement not only enriches the democratic process but also helps to build trust and cooperation between different age groups and communities.

Get Youth In Your Community Involved In Democracy 

Local government officials should be actively working to engage youth in local democracy as a means for building a dynamic and sustainable community. Young people are the future leaders, innovators, and decision-makers, and their active involvement ensures that local governance evolves to meet the changing needs and aspirations of all constituents. Book a consultation with GovPilot today to learn more about our Constituent Engagement Software and how we can help you! 

Youth Engagement FAQs

  • How can youth involvement in democracy affect a community? 

Youth engagement in local politics ensures fresh perspectives and an accurate representation of the community’s diverse needs. 

  • Why is youth involvement important? 

Youth involvement is important to democracy because these individuals will grow to become the leaders, workforce, and caretakers of their community. 

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Tags: Constituent Engagement, Civic Engagement