Sass. In some situations, it’s called for ( sometimes snapping your fingers in a “Z” formation is an act of self-defense) and...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Blog
From beating Domino’s to the pothole filling punch to reversing property blight, local government has a lot of things to worry...
Summer related to tradeshows and summer related to closed deals, but GovPilot has nothing but pieces of good news to share for...
Tags: Blog
From a staged moon landing to the unchecked power of the Reptilian Elite, conspiracy theories occupy the space between the known...
Tags: Flashback Friday, Blog
You’ve just purchased a piping hot pizza. Pepperoni. Extra cheese. Just how you like it. You open the passenger’s side door and...
Tags: Government Efficiency, Blog
A productive May 2018 serves as GovPilot #goals for months to come.
This month, we :
Tags: Blog
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