Government Trends & Technology Blog

GovPilot is Going Places this Summer

The schools are closed, the days are long and the weather is clement. Summer is the perfect time to travel, and if June is any...

(1 min read )

Tags: Blog

Trial, Error and Necessity: The History of Local Government in the United States

In just under two weeks, our nation will turn 241 years old. While we are always happy to celebrate with a barbecue and fireworks...

(3 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Flashback Friday

Fix it Friday: Piles of Paper Documents

This marks the first installment of "Fix it Friday"—a series in which each blog post examines a different issue commonly faced by...

(2 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency

A Recap of GovPilot’s Month, if We May

GovPilot’s month proves that “April showers bring May flowers.” In April, we were showered with opportunities and this month, we...

(1 min read )

Tags: Blog

3 Reasons Why Google Chrome is Gold

The Internet has opened a universe of possibilities, but your list of options for accessing the Internet is a world unto itself....

(1 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency

Cool for the Summer: 2 Ways GovPilot Benefits Beach Towns

It’s Memorial Day Weekendthe official start of summer. Beach towns across the country are firing-up ice cream machines, cleaning...

(1 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency