Government Trends & Technology Blog

3 Ways to Set Your District Up for Shared Success

You’ve stayed in an Airbnb. You’ve ridden in an Uber or Lyft. You may have cycled on a CitiBike. Now, electric scooter company,...

(2 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Government Efficiency, Blog

The Zodiac Signs as Local Government Stakeholders, Part 1

What did you want to be when you grew-up? Does it resemble your current career path? If so, it may have been written in the...

(2 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, GIS Map, Government Efficiency, Blog

Welcome to Candyland: What a Pop of Color can Do for Your Municipality

Think of the tools we use to teach children—the storybooks that instill morals, the magnets shaped like letters of the alphabet...

(1 min read )

Tags: Government Efficiency, Blog

Spring Polishing: An Inventory of GovPilot’s Shiny, New and Improved Features

Spring has sprung! According to domestic goddess and Snoop Dogg BFF, Martha Stewart, spring is a time to wipe walls and ceilings,...

(1 min read )

Tags: Client Satisfaction, Blog

Only Silver Linings this April

April may have brought gray skies and gloomy weather, but the GovPilot team was only able to see the rain clouds’ silver linings....

(1 min read )

Tags: Blog

America: Tech, Yeah!

Last week, we argued that humanity’s relationsip with technology doesn’t have to be adversarial. Turns out that the overwhelming...

(1 min read )

Tags: Constituent Engagement, Blog