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Lodi, NJ
Excel Spreadsheets and manual paper
Lodi is a small city in northern New Jersey that transitioned from a paper-based CCO application and inspection system to GovPilot’s cloud-based digital platform.
For years Lodi relied on an ad-hoc process consisting of paper records and Excel spreadsheets to manually record, track, and report on the city’s CCO applications, inspections, and certifications.
Lodi’s inefficient process relied on paper forms which were mailed to, faxed, or dropped off at the city’s offices by constituents. Employees then had to collect, and manually enter information contained in the forms into an Excel spreadsheet. The paper forms including applications, inspection records, and certifications then had to be filed and stored. According to the clerk, paperwork was often misplaced resulting in delayed service or none at all.
With GovPilot, the clerk noted a, “night and day difference”. Lodi has completely eliminated paper from the CCO process. Applications are submitted via a digital form on the city’s website which are processed by employees working through GovPilot’s cloud-based platform. Automated emails keep requestors informed of the status of their application. Inspections are conducted via tablet devices on site in real-time, eliminating paper and travel to and from the office. CCO approvals are issued to applicants via email. “We’re to the point where we hate paper”, said Rebecca Paladino, Deputy Municipal Registrar.
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