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GovPilot Release Notes: August 14, 2022

Posted by GovPilot on 8/16/22 6:11 PM

Published to Live

New Features:

  • eForms Landing page (
    • This page will serve as the landing page for our customers forms. We will publish all their forms here and they will only need to put one link up on their website.
    • This page is responsive and looks good on all devices (laptop, ipad, tables, iphone, samsung)
    • The url is variable for every account /{state}/{userid}




  • has been updated to redirect you here once you click eForms on the top or Forms & Applications from the left menu



  • eForms configuration page
    • This page is very configurable
      • Upload a logo
      • Add a page title (default starts with the town name)
      • Update the contact information on the right side
      • Add a banner message
      • Add departments / groups
        • Each department can have a link pointing to their landing page on the municipal website
        • You can add a message below the department name (ex. Announce application deadlines or any important message)
        • Departments can be reordered
        • You can add forms
          • You can overwrite the display name of the form
          • You can reorder them
          • You can change the button colors to match the town’s website theme.
    • Watch this video for more information




  • User list filters
    • You can now quickly filter users based on their role or properties (hidden, isolated)



  • Disabled users start hidden
  • The role list is dynamic and will convert to a dropdown in case more than 5 roles exist in the account.





IR-2698 - Count Summary Bug


Topics: Release Notes

GovPilot Release Notes: July 24, 2022

Posted by GovPilot on 8/16/22 5:59 PM

Deployed to Live


  • Upgraded Report Engine – To run a report, previously we needed to save it into a folder. Now they are loaded from the database, converted, and updated on the fly (ex. their database connection) based on the environment. The engine will process all sub-reports recursively. This update makes the report generation faster (you can notice the speed difference if you run a report with multiple checklists in Beta and Live) and less error-prone (removes the reported errors coming from publishing them between environments)
    • Check this video for comparison
  • More detailed permissions
    • Now you can add permissions or restrict main menu items


  • Ecommerce test credentials prefilled on the configuration page
    • Now you don’t have to remember test credentials for credit cards, they will be automatically pre-populated when you select your processor
  • Admin menu for GP employees to see logged in users

Bug Fixes

  • IR-2590 TheSatelliteBiz credit card issues
  • IR-2609 GovAlert API was bringing a lot of parcels, beyond the visible area, making the app unresponsive.
  • IR-2573 GP Employee unable to open the Combined View configuration
  • IR-2610 GIS Layer not rendering correctly
  • IR-2593 Signature not being required
  • IR-2611 Property fields were not being populated
  • IR-2612, IR-2613, IR-2608,IR-2562 Printing a report was very slow, inconsistent (Report engine enhancement fixes these)
  • IR-2578 Save and Continue Later bug
  • IR-2571 Fee schedule missing validation when adding a blank item
  • Issue with counting dataviewer results when too many records and too many parcels in a county account
  • Mail merges not showing in Favorites
  • Replaced Kendo Alert with Sweet Alert popup to keep a consistent confirmation/warning popup across the system.
  • Other Azure Test Findings
    • Phone number not persisting on my account info  
    • Email configuration page was breaking if not configured
    • Dataviewer, hide all fields not working
    • Favorites, export to excel freezes the page
    • Favorites, Mail merge dropdown not working
    • Favorites, Grouping / Aggregates / Sorting issues
    • Module Group Permissions, issue with cloning a group


Topics: Release Notes

GovPilot Release Notes: June 12, 2022

Posted by GovPilot on 8/16/22 5:53 PM

Deployed to Live:

  • eCode360 integration
    • Two-step configuration process:
      • Configure the API credentials. The town needs to contact eCode360 (signup and pay them if needed) and get 3 variables for the API. (Customer Code, API Key, API Secret)
      • Set up the lookup inside the form in designer. (select type ecode360 and map the code and description fields)


  • Enhanced Signature
    • Signature will now be captured as an image, regardless of whether the user types or draws it. The image will also include the timestamp of the signature. You can view the image in dataviewer by exposing the signature field (see below). You can also include the signature in mail merges (master or sub-record) and reports. Please reach out for questions.









  • New Map configuration tab. You can now configure the internal (personal) map and public map to display only certain fields.



  • Fields selected under the My Map tab are applied to the internal map. These are specific to the user who is logged in.



  • Fields selected under the Public Map apply to the account and affect the public map and the public profile (Tax Info tab). The public map has also been updated to match the behavior of the internal map. Clicking a parcel makes it stick and the user must click View Property blue button to view the property profile. The right panel will extend up to the height of the page and it will show a scrollbar if needed.



  • Field mapping for property profile & recent records (migrated from designer) and default columns for the ALL view
    • The left side specifies the mapping of the 4 static columns that we display in Recent records and Property profile for each module.
    • The right side specifies the columns to display when the ALL view is selected.



  • Restructured permissions into groups



  • More granular permissions. Each process tab has its own permission that can be assigned to a user.



  • Cloning attachments. You now have the option to allow keeping the attachments when cloning a record. This applies to the main table. If any attachments in a sub-table, they will be kept if you choose to keep the sub-table when cloning.



  • Drawing tools on public forms. You can now add more information to the geographic field on the public map. Same as internally, you can draw different shapes of the location.



  • More integrations tabs with coming soon message



Topics: Release Notes

GovPilot Release Notes: May 29, 2022

Posted by GovPilot on 8/16/22 5:37 PM

Deployed to Live:

  • New 3rd Party Integrations tab (see image below)
    • Credit Card Configuration page has moved here
  • ICC Code Integration
    • Modules can now be configured to use a lookup that reads codes from ICC codes instead of another table. This is a two-step setup. First step is to configure the screen below, next is to add the ICC lookup in designer into the form.
    • Just like with credit card processors, the town needs to setup an account with ICC and give us credentials. The credentials below are test credentials that we can use for testing purposes.



  • Bug with default user in form scheduler when the user was not part of the list.
  • Bug with workflows not triggering when the assigned user is public user only.
  • Dynamically identify environment based on subdomain (needed for azure tests)

Deployed to Beta:

  • New Map configuration tab. You can now configure the internal (personal) map and public map to display only certain fields.

  • Fields selected under the My Map tab are applied to the internal map. These are specific to the user who is logged in.



  • Fields selected under the Public Map apply to the account and affect the public map and the public profile (Tax Info tab). The public map has also been updated to match the behavior of the internal map. Clicking a parcel makes it stick and the user must click View Property blue button to view the property profile. The right panel will extend up to the height of the page and it will show a scrollbar if needed.



  • Field mapping for property profile & recent records (migrated from designer) and default columns for the ALL view
    • The left side specifies the mapping of the 4 static columns that we display in Recent records and Property profile for each module.
    • The right side specifies the columns to display when the ALL view is selected.



  • Restructured permissions into groups



  • More granular permissions. Each process tab has its own permission that can be assigned to a user.



  • Cloning attachments. You now have the option to allow keeping the attachments when cloning a record. This applies to the main table. If any attachments in a sub-table, they will be kept if you choose to keep the sub-table when cloning.



  • Drawing tools on public forms. You can now add more information to the geographic field on the public map. Same as internally, you can draw different shapes of the location.




  • More integrations tabs with coming soon message.



Topics: Release Notes