GovPilot Release Notes

Release Notes September 2018

Written by govpilot | 9/26/18 3:40 PM

New Features

  • Public Forms –Now we can display calendar availability on public forms
  • Home - New Help Menu
  • Home - LMS integration (Training link, the link will not be available if you don’t have an LMS account)
  • Home - Guided Tour from the menu
  • Home - Shortcuts (System, Form and Account specific shortcuts, click ctrl + ? to see the list of shortcuts available)
  • Internal Forms - Action button to add another sub-form from a sub-form (ex. You can add an electrical inspection for the same permit by after adding a building inspection. A default form has to be set for each subtable in order to show as an option below) The button will show if the current subtable has other siblings with a default form set.
  • Home - A Log menu to view history of Emails, Payment Transactions and Data Audit. This menu will be available only to users flagged as Admins. The history button in the forms has been renamed to Log


  • DataViewer - Increased visual space by reducing height of each row, decreased spacing in process title and removed footer.
  • DataViewer - New icons for property and form buttons
  • Home - Minimized windows will show a yellow/orange border if it’s part of the menu, or the button if it’s not. Active menu will have the orange icon
  • DataViewer - Alphabetically ordering of Mail Merge list
  • DataViewer - Export button will show and export all or the number of selected rows
  • DataViewer - Transfer button will be hidden for non-property related and sub-records
  • DataViewer - View on Map will be disabled for non-property related records but will show for sub-records

Bugs Fixed

  • Internal Forms - Fixed print toolbar flickering in forms when there are multiple mail merges
  • Internal Forms - Fixed form toolbar to stay fixed when zooming in/out of the browser
  • Internal Forms - Fixed bug with zooming icons
  • Internal Forms - Fixed bug in internal forms that was replacing a money field value with the default value when set by form logic to 0 (ex. when you waive a fee because it’s a hearing dog)
  • Profile - Fixed Mail Merge generation from advanced search and property profile
  • Data Viewer - Grouping. Able to group two fields using Table View Designer. Clearing grouping in data viewer causes error.
  • Home - The Property icon is shown in all recent records, when they shouldn't show up for non-property related forms.
  • Home - The Property Profile is linking to records that are not property related (ex. OPRA)
  • Map - After selecting a parcel and then clicking property details, it brings me to the property profile with no information
  • Map - The X in property details is not functioning, so that you can`t close the property details