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The Benefits & Capabilities of Digital Transformation For Local Governments

By Marisa Pangaro

In the modern world, digital transformation is not fast approaching anymore; it’s happening now and it's time for local governments to unlock their potential and utilize emerging technologies.

This article will outline the importance of digital transformation in government operations and how to leverage digital transformation to improve your municipal service delivery, citizen engagement, data retrieval and file storage. 

Table of Contents

Where We Are With Digital Tech Now?
Digital Transformation Defined
Going Paperless In Government 
The Difference Between Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation
How To Get The Most Out Of Digital Transformation
Who Is Digital Transformation For? 
How Digital Transformation Can Benefit Your Municipality 
Why Digital Transformation Is A Game-Changer For Local Governments
The Benefits Of Going Paperless 
Unlocking 5 Game-Changing Digital Tools
What Else Is Trending In Emerging Tech? 
AI For Your Municipality 
Getting Started On Your Digital Transformation
How GovPilot Software Works


Charting Our Course

Where Are We Today?

The demand to leverage digital technology is growing daily; nationwide private-sector businesses are streamlining their operations and raising revenue through digital transformation.

However, many public-sector institutions and local governments are currently much farther behind on modernizing their paper-based processes. 

With governments across the country being slow to recognize the importance of adopting digital technology in their operations, local governments are not operating as efficiently or having the biggest possible impact.

Through conducting surveys with a large range of municipal employees, we learned that less than 30% of municipal workers feel comfortable embracing a digital transformation. 


something needs to change to improve local government operations and it inevitably will.

The Capability Of Digital Tools Today

Today, digital tools and software solutions are completely transforming the way society operates day to day.

From ordering Ubers, to online shopping, to grocery delivery, digital capabilities that simplify life and automate processes are growing constantly.

Online and digital tools give us the ability to:

  • Complete projects and work faster
  • Make less errors
  • Put forth less manual effort than ever before

Various software solutions and designed AI tools are built to:

Implementing these software solutions often results in thousands of hours saved and dedicated to more important projects. 

Local government offices that are slow to adopt automation and government management software solutions are already operating with a deficit, not being able to experience the efficiency and time-savings that are already possible through digital transformation

Many local government employees across the country, in fact about 60% report that they fear their government lacks the budget needed to go digital. However, it can be easier and more affordable than employees may realize. 

Understanding Digital Transformation: What Is It?

Digital transformation is a term used often these days, you’ve probably heard about it a few times before. But do you really understand all that digital transformation has to offer to your office? 

Digital transformation is referred to as:

the integration of digital technologies into all aspects of your office operations in order to eliminate outdated paper-based processes and upgrade you to seamless digital ones. 

Digital transformation is an ongoing process that marks the reshaping of how institutions leverage technology solutions made available to them in this modern era.

This transformation alters the way that workers operate on every level of the organization by:

  • Replacing traditional methods of storing data
  • Streamlining internal communication workflows
  • Moving municipal service delivery and permit requests online. 

According to George Westerman in his book, Leading Digital, an MIT principal research scientist “Digital Transformation marks a radical rethinking of how an organization uses technology, people and processes to fundamentally change business performance”. 

Just like any other industry, when local governments move to online processes, their work is simplified through automatic solutions that work without any effort on the part of the employees.

Digital transformation has the power to ensure that local governments:

A Deeper Look Into Going Paperless In Government 

Going paperless is a cornerstone of digital transformation and describes replacing manual processes that used to require paper filing, storage, and record retrieval with digital alternatives.

When local government institutions go paperless, they eliminate countless hours of employee time-waste spent on tracking down physical, paper documents while also eliminating the use of paper. 

  • Going paperless takes time-consuming manual tasks (like Report-A-Concern, Pet Licensing and Construction Permitting) and makes them available digitally, online.

  • With paperless software solutions it becomes super fast and easy to record, find, update and share records…from the office and in the field through the cloud.

  • Paperless, online processes and applications saves your constituents a trip to City Hall by providing on-demand digital services that are accessible anytime and anywhere.

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Let’s Explore The Difference Between Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation

While the words, digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation seem to be used synonymously, they all refer to different technology trends.

Using these terms interchangeably does not demonstrate a thorough understanding of them all. To achieve a deeper understanding of these definitions, we must explore how the terms are different from one another. 

1. Digitization is the move from outdated, analog methods of operation to more convenient, digital options  

Digitization more commonly refers to the process of converting analog information into digital format, which is most often represented by binary code (0s and 1s).
Making this conversion allows data to be:
In various contexts, digitization can involve converting various types of content such as text, images, audio, and video into digital form. 

2. Digitalization is using digital data and systems to simplify how you work

Digitalization refers to the integration of digital technologies into various aspects of business, society, work processes and daily life to fundamentally change how processes are conducted in the future.
When new digital technology, or workflow automation begins to change the way that we do our jobs, that is how we classify changing processes as digitalization. 

Learn about Workflow Automation For Governments here. 

3. Digital transformation is the culmination of eliminating paper-based processes and fully utilizing digital tools and technologies
The purpose of digital transformation is to foster the intention of adding value to every constituent interaction.
Digital transformation encompasses both digitization and digitalization by changing the way that processes are completed and moving completely to an online capacity.

Read our Ebook to learn more information about Modernizing Local Government for Decades to Come.

Getting The Most Out of Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is a movement for local government agencies to adapt with the times and adopt modern technologies into their workplaces. This can sound like a daunting task, but there are ways to ensure that your local government experiences all the benefits that digital transformation has to offer.

One aspect of planning for digital transformation is ensuring your municipal offices are aligned on goals and initiatives for the new technology. 

It is vital that before you undergo the first steps of digital transformation:

  • Step 1: your municipality determines the exact goals and expectations you hold for using digital mediums and platforms.

Value in digital transformation comes from having a clear understanding of your government's goals and how technology can help meet them.

Technology is not here to

These functions are still up to government workers for now.

Local officials and government workers must come together to identify the exact processes and workflows that they intend to improve with digital transformation in order to reach those goals. 

Who Is Digital Transformation For? 

When the term digital transformation is used, it is often used abstractly. The idea of digital transformation is tossed around, but who should be listening most intently to this conversation?

The answer to the question, “Who is digital transformation for?” is simple:

any offices or institutions that rely on manual, paper-based processes should make the change to digital processes.

Local governments are a prime example of the institutions that benefit most from digital transformations, as many of their processes are so often:

  • Slow-moving
  • Time-wasters
  • Not as efficient as they could be

All local government departments of any size can benefit from digital transformation from Clerks to Code Enforcement to Administration and IT, automation of repetitive government processes will save countless hours for your government workers.

Consider how much time is spent in every department: 

  • Locating paper files
  • Communicating with constituents
  • Processing paper forms

Eliminating all manual storage, filing, and permitting processes and converting to fully online alternatives takes the hassle out of government work. 

Cloud data storage and retrieval options don’t only save time, but also are a more secure, easy to recover option incase of emergency or disaster. 

Any municipal office or institution that wants to modernize and streamline their workflows while also securely storing and backing up vital information should look into digital transformation. 

All Solutions

Here are some key examples of what digital transformation has done for prominent NJ cities: 

  • Atlantic City, NJ

Atlantic City was facing more than 60 vital records requests and submissions per week, and offices were flooded with paperwork until they made the choice to partner with GovPilot.

Now, all Vital Records Requests can be fully processed online, generating a 60% time-savings for the municipality and more than doubling employee productivity. 

Learn about how Atlantic City, NJ Streamlined Vital Records Requests in our Case Study. 

  • Union Beach, NJ

The Union Beach Clerk’s office was struggling to process pet license renewals on a “constant basis” through the mail without losing applications.

Now, with GovPilot’s software The GovPilot digital application form that sits on Union Beach’s homepage cannot be submitted unless all fields have been completed.  Automated alerts update applicants at key steps of processing, helping Union Beach operate with greater transparency and organization.

Union Beach 100% Eliminated improperly/illegibly completed applications while missing zero applications. 

Learn about how Union Beach NJ Implemented Pet License Software To Save Time. 

The Potential of Digital Transformation For Government Offices

A key element of digital transformation is understanding the potential of your technology.

Again, that doesn’t mean asking “How much faster can we do things the same way?”

It means asking “What is our technology really capable of now?” 

As technology evolves, emerging solutions are becoming available for all departments and virtually all tasks that contribute to employee time waste.

Government offices of any department complete numerous tasks and responsibilities throughout the day such as:

GovPilot's local government surveys have revealed that cloud storage, workflow automation and online permitting processes are much needed throughout local municipal offices everywhere. 

All of these tasks (and more) are likely taking far more time than they need to; digital transformation can cut that time in half. 

Digital transformation can save your employees time, saving your municipal offices resources and money to be allocated more efficiently elsewhere. 

Here are some solutions that digital transformation and government management software can provide to your municipality: 

  • Online Permitting

Online permitting is a revolutionary step in digital transformation as numerous government departments have responsibilities to process, approve, and deny applications and permit requests.

Instead of sifting through manual paperwork to review and send to other departments, governments can seamlessly review the permit requests on a unified, online platform that routes the information directly to the involved workers

Online permitting takes the hassle out of local government permitting processes by allowing applicants to skip a trip to city hall and fill out their application fully online!

The digital aspect of these forms makes it impossible for applicants to submit without all the appropriate attachments and fields populated, so that your employees don’t have to review the same application multiple times.

Once submitted, the digital permitting system from GovPilot will send automatic notifications to both the applicant and reviewing parties to seamlessly keep everyone updated. 

Learn How Permitting Software Works here, with our guide!

  • Electronic Document Management

Gone are the days when government employees needed to spend hours filing and organizing documents, just to reorganize their paper clutter again at the end of the week.

Digital transformation enables governments to digitize documents, creating centralized repositories for easy storage, retrieval, and sharing of any file from anywhere, 24/7. 

Managing documents through the cloud:

    • enables workers more flexibility in their work
    • quickens the turn around for constituents who are looking to receive their documentation promptly.

With digital document management, all files and important documents are uploaded to the cloud where any authorized worker can retrieve it with just a click. 

Click here to learn How Local Governments Can & Should Use the Cloud in 2024. 

  • Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is a game changer for local government operations, because so many repetitive processes within municipal offices can be automated to free up employees to work on more pressing tasks.

The goal of workflow automation is to help your office run more efficiently and make a greater impact for constituents without needing to perform actions manually.

Automation tools can streamline internal processes such as:

    • request approvals
    • work order routing
    • notification delivery without any effort on the part of the government employee. 

Workflow automation enables tedious and repetitive processes to be performed without human intervention and is perfect for any tasks that are simple, or below a human’s paygrade.

Appointment scheduling, notification delivery, payment refunds, and more can be done with workflow automation in order to make these processes more efficient and eliminate errors through digital safeguards. 

  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection

As government offices increasingly rely on digital systems, cybersecurity becomes more paramount than ever before.

A vital aspect of digital transformation involves implementing robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data and protect against cyber threats and attacks.

Government management software solutions like what we offer at GovPilot, alongside other cybersecurity measures ensures your crucial data is backed up and encrypted to guarantee protection against hackers and other cyber criminals.

While you may need to ensure the safekeeping of your manual paper documents from natural disasters or emergency situations, this requires physical infrastructure and workers to protect it.

Instead when your local government experiences a digital transformation, no physical infrastructure or employees are needed to protect and manage the documents; cloud servers automatically protect your data and keep it safe online. 

Learn Why Cloud Storage Is Safer Than Local File Storage here!

  • Remote Work Collaboration

Digital solutions of a digital transformation  enable government employees to work remotely and collaborate effectively even if they are not present at the office.

Digital communication methods actually make remote work possible for government workers, who are able to communicate effectively with other departments online through platforms such as Google Meet, Zoom or Microsoft Teams

Expecting employees to communicate with their coworkers or constituents through outdated methods such as phone calls or face to face interactions takes time out of everyone’s day, when information could easily be shared digitally in seconds. 

Take Notes From Our Millsboro, DE Case Study!

Learn about Millsboro, DE in our case study for a deeper look at how this municipality leveraged digital transformation and achieved a 97% time-savings with GovPilot. After eliminating paper-based processes and switching over to digital solutions, government employees can now generate complex audits and reports for council meetings in just minutes while the process used to take an hour with Excel.

Why Is Digital Transformation A Game-Changer For Local Governments? 

Read on to learn all about the transformative capabilities of going digital in your government operations: 

  • Increases Productivity While Reducing Labor Costs 

When processes can be digitized, automated and streamlined, less work falls on the shoulders of government workers. This doesn’t mean local governments are going to stop needing human employees, instead it suggests that workers will be able to accomplish more in their day-to-day schedules

Instead of being bogged down by tedious tasks, government workers will be able to dedicate their valuable time to more important projects that will accomplish more.

This eliminates the need for employee manpower on easy tasks, and therefore increases the amount of valuable work that can be completed in one day by any employee.

When employees accomplish more work in less time, governments save money on labor costs while also increasing productivity. 

  • Improves The Constituent Experience

When constituents no longer need to wait in line at City Hall, and can instead have the option to handle any interaction with their local government online, they experience the convenience our society has become so accustomed to.

Your constituents deserve easy, streamlined access to their local government offices and leaders; digital transformation provides this access and more. 

Without digital transformation in your office, constituents may have to wait weeks or months for application approvals or vital records requests but with it, they are able to access these documents much faster due to improved government efficiency. 

Check out GovPilot's Constituent Engagement Software and read our Guide to Fostering Constituent Engagement here! 

  • Drives Innovation To Keep You Ahead

Your municipality doesn’t want to be left behind in this digital age, and there is no reason to be. Performing within local government roles to the best ability means embracing innovative solutions and staying ahead of outdated municipalities.

Keeping pace with innovative technology and emerging solutions guarantees your government works faster and has a greater impact on the community than you would with manual, slow-moving processes. 

  • Improves Constituent Engagement

Constituents want to engage with their local governments! However, often the bureaucracy and slow-downs associated with local government interactions create a hesitancy for citizens to get involved in local democracy. Streamlining constituents' ability to reach out to their local government and resolve issues completely flips this narrative on its head and makes working with municipal offices a breeze. 

Constituents are able to independently file license/permit requests, vital records requests, and even report concerns directly to their local government virtually with digital transformation. 

Consider trying GovPilot’s Constituent Engagement Software and learning about the most successful Local Government Community Engagement Strategies with our resources!

  • Enhances Interdepartmental Communication

Traditionally, a major challenge facing local governments is how to speed up and improve interdepartmental communication. However, after going digital, opportunities for interdepartmental communication skyrocket and aligning with coworkers becomes much easier! 

Improved communication channels between workers in various departments decreases project completion times and employee frustration as communication silos are eliminated. Messages can be sent securely across departments as files are uploaded in the cloud for speedy collaboration, on timelines that can work for everyone.

Before digital transformation, Atlantic City was facing government slow-downs, inefficiencies and laborious processes that kept their employees too-busy and led to constituent frustration. These municipal offices needed a solution; a way to efficiently manage and share data about services to analyze results. 

AC officials thoroughly vetted and ultimately selected GovPilot as the enterprise government management software platform for the city which led to the elimination of paper-based processes and more than doubled productivity. Reporting and response times for the government of Atlantic City were reduced from 48 hours to just 7 minutes!

What Are The Benefits Of Going Paperless? 

Going paperless offers numerous benefits for both organizations and the environment. Here are some of the key advantages that you could experience:

  • Cost Savings

Eliminating paper-based processes will often result in significant cost savings that will add up over time. This savings can include saving on paper, printing, storage space, and postage costs, as well as reduced expenses associated with paying for manpower for document handling and management.

Learn more about Addressing Common Challenges Local Governments Face Moving Online

  • Increased Efficiency

Digital documents are easier to create, edit, search, and share compared to their paper counterparts. Going paperless enables you and your coworkers to share and receive files or documents of any size instantly. This leads to improved workflow efficiency, faster decision-making, and reduced turnaround times for tasks and processes, especially ones that require communication.

Consider How Government Management Software Can Improve The Efficiency of Municipal Offices with this article. 

  • Enhanced Accessibility

Your government workers’ accessibility to digital documents needs to be robust and extensive. Digital documents or data can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing for remote collaboration and flexibility in working arrangements. This improves accessibility for employees and facilitates seamless communication within organizations.

  • Improved Organization and Searchability

Digital document management systems enable organizations to organize and categorize documents systematically, making it easier to locate and retrieve information when needed. This eliminates the time wasted searching through paper files and folders.

  • Environmental Sustainability

Reducing paper waste serves as a huge contributor to decrease your municipality's carbon footprint. When large offices and organizations stop relying on paper for all of their documentation and file storage, countless sheets of paper are saved which is better for your local environment and the rest of the earth, too.

Ensure your local government is making positive changes in operations that encourage more reducing, reusing and recycling and a robust sustainability strategy for your area. These changes begin when your municipality goes paperless. 

You Can Unlock These 5 Game-Changing Tools With Digital Transformation

  • The Cloud

The term, “the cloud” refers to a computer system that stores data over the internet rather than a physical data server.

Data stored in the cloud can be accessed and submitted from anywhere on any device, unlike local servers that require you to be on site to file, store, and access documentation in-person.

The cloud's capabilities include: 

    • internal file sharing
    • data encryption
    • cyber-security
    • increased accessibility

Utilizing the cloud is part of going paperless in local government as it streamlines your employees' access to documents, data, and files in order to simplify the retrieval process when necessary to complete a task. Instead of having to wait hours to send paper files from department to department, now with one click they can be uploaded to the cloud where anyone authorized can access them on their own devices. 

  • Document Collaboration 

With a document collaboration tool like Google Docs or OneDrive, you can work simultaneously with colleagues on a document or spreadsheet, leave each other comments, and compare earlier versions of the work.

With document collaboration through digital platforms, all of the interdepartmental work can be done from the comfort of your own desk!

  • Automated Processes

Automation brings forth various possibilities for government agencies to shave hours off of the time it takes to complete daily tasks and projects. Process automation and RPA, Robotic Process Automation, allows government agencies to effectively dedicate their more menial tasks to programs that automatically follow commands to complete the work. 

Experience RPA for yourself and learn more about Public Sector Robotic Process Automation here with our resource. 

  • Fax Servers 

If your organization still relies heavily on faxes as most government agencies today still might, investing in a fax server can streamline your workflow immensely. Incoming faxes are delivered electronically to pertinent individuals, and outgoing faxes can be sent immediately on a pre-organized schedule.

This technology transforms how faxes and external communication with other agencies is performed; all this by automatically routing incoming faxes to the appropriate department for review. 

Hmm…Should the Public Sector Use Cloud or In-House Servers? Learn the answer here. 

  • Unified Platform For Government Operations 

Government management software provides options for local government agencies to unify their government, and move operations of all departments online to one centralized platform. Utilizing this unified platform makes it possible for all departments to collaborate more effectively and work online with digitized solutions rather than paper-based or in-person processes. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Local Governments 

GovPilot's recent survey of government officials and workers has shed some light on the impending need for municipal offices to gain access to artificial intelligence. Our research shows that 21% of municipal workers believe AI would benefit their efficiency, effectivity, and ability to perform in their roles.  

New emerging technology that is being improved daily has the capability to completely reshape how our offices run for the better. Learn about what else is trending in technology such as Artificial Intelligence, that you can use for your municipality to streamline processes even more: 

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, is a transformative force in government digital transformation by redefining how government agencies operate, enhancing their efficiency, responsiveness, and overall effectiveness. 

AI’s primary contributions to government include automating routine tasks, freeing up valuable time and resources. Additionally, through AI-driven data analysis, government agencies make data-informed decisions swiftly and accurately for their city’s strategic planning around budgeting, resource allocation, and policy development. 

Learn more about AI and emerging technologies to look out for in our resources listed right here: 

Capturing The Near Future Of AI

Read on or a quick look at what to expect in 2024-2025 AI trends: 

  • Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is an area of computing focused on utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics to perform operations on data in ways that standard computers are not able to. At its most basic, quantum computing exploits the properties of quantum bits, to perform computations rather than standard binary digits. 

Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize numerous areas, including drug discovery, science, and machine learning to allow for complex problems to be solved . Local government officials can look to utilize this technology to optimize resources and increase overall workflow within their departments. 

  • Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a decentralized ledger system that records transactions across a network of computers in a secure way. Originally devised for the digital currency Bitcoin, this technology has been adapted for various applications. 

Blockchain technology has applications far beyond cryptocurrencies. These areas include supply chain management, healthcare, finance, real estate and more. Its decentralized and fully transparent nature allows for increased efficiency. Local governments can look to blockchain technology to help them keep more efficient track of records, as well as make places like the clerk's department far more organized. 

  • Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation is a technology that allows organizations to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks by using software “Bots” to emulate human interactions. These bots can perform a wide range of tasks, such as data entry, data manipulation, transaction processing, and communication with other digital systems 

This is a great tool for local government officials to use. This can have positive impacts on cost savings and efficiency. Overall, robotic process automation can allow your local government to streamline operations, reduce errors, and free up your employees from mundane tasks so they can focus on higher-value activities. 

When Is The Right Time For A Digital Transformation? 

Incorporating digital solutions into your municipality is your government’s next step towards modernization and efficiency.

Right now, you should begin transitioning to digital and online solutions for once-manual government processes.

Every year, many emerging advancements in technology are released that will help your government operate much smoother and accomplish more. 

Municipal governments that are not quick to adopt this technology are at risk of falling behind and leaving their employees without tried and true methods to complete their work on improved timelines or simpler ways.

How Much Time Does A Digital Transformation Take?

The timing of launching your municipality's digital transformation depends on how your local government plans and prepares for this transformation. Often, to integrate and onboard software solutions fully into government offices, takes time and effort on behalf of government officials and administrators. 

Luckily, there are government management software providers who can help you begin your digital transformation such as GovPilot; the government software company known for our expedited onboarding times and software training for new users. 

With GovPilot, your digital transformation can be off the ground in just over a month, compared to other software providers who take over six months to a year to onboard software, on average

Check out these 5 Common Local Government Productivity Roadblocks: Solved With Government Management Software!

Here’s How Can You Get Started On A Digital Transformation For Your Municipality

  • Assess Current Technology Capabilities

    Begin by assessing your municipality's current state of digital readiness and identifying areas for improvement you can better determine which software solutions to deploy and prioritize.

    Setting goals for your local government to streamline processes that typically cause work silos and slow-downs is the best way to plan for a digital transformation in the preliminary stages. 

  • Secure Leadership Buy-In

    Securing buy-in and support from municipal leadership, including mayors, council members, and department heads will make the implementation of your new technology much smoother and easier.

    Explain the benefits of a digital transformation to all of the involved stakeholders in order to secure their support during the onboarding phase of your municipalities digitization. 
  • Allocate Resources

    Allocating sufficient resources, including budget funds and technology solutions is vital in supporting your digital transformation initiative.

    Without the proper resources allocated properly ahead of time, a digital transformation can take longer than expected and even be confusing for employees.

    Consider partnering with external vendors or consultants that have expertise in digital solutions for municipalities to consult on how and where you should be allocating resources in the most efficient way. 

  • Select and Implement Solutions

    When determining which solutions will best amplify your government, research and select appropriate digital solutions that align with your municipality's goals.

    This could mean focusing on cloud-based software, data analytics tools, citizen engagement platforms or smart technology AI programs. Whatever solutions your local government is looking to implement should be planned and selected based on priorities and consensus from your government leadership. 

Software providers like GovPilot design software solutions for the government exclusively, and provide countless convenient modules and solutions for every government department

  • Train Government Workers

    Familiarize all government employees with the new technologies you plan on integrating into your municipal processes.

    Often, employees are hesitant to adopt new methodologies and digitized solutions because they don’t understand them. Simply dedicating time to training your employees to get the most out of the digital transformation goes a long way in ensuring your office works as efficiently as possible. 

Learn about the benefits of Training Government Workers To Use Government Management Software in our resource! 

Learn How Government Management Software Can Transform Your Government

Government management software from GovPilot is designed to foster convenience in your local government, unify operations, and streamline government processes. Read on to learn about GovPilot-The Operating System For Local Governments, and how our software is superior to competitors in simplifying your municipal processes: 

Learn How GovPilot Works 

GovPilot is a government software provider for local governments with over 150+ pre-built software modules available for use in your municipal offices. GovPilot helps to automate, unify, engage, and manage municipal operations to streamline workflows and simplify government. 

  • Automate: GovPilot provides digital solutions to automate time consuming processes such as state-of-the-art digital forms that enable governments to obtain all necessary information from constituents, process their requests, and store relevant information. 

  • Unify: Unifying your government departments is critical to ensure your government is as impactful as possible and able to operate in an organized and efficient way. One united platform for all of your government forms, ongoing projects, schedules, and planning improves internal communications and speeds up completion times. 

  • Engage: Engaging citizens online has never been easier. Provide constituents with the online convenience they have come to expect and the ability to easily interact with their government. Digital forms and mobile applications enable civic engagement in the digital age.

  • Manage: Local government operations are simplified when data and information is accessible, transparent, and secure, enabling officials to make informed, timely decisions. GovPilot is dedicated to helping users manage their local government department as well as their own personal tasks and projects, all in one place. 

Trenton Used GovPilot to Undergo Digital Transformation and You Can Too

Trenton, NJ recently experienced a digital transformation, moving their complaint-management and inspection processes online. With GovInspect, GovPilot’s mobile application, each inspector in Trenton saves 10 hours per week, no-longer having to manually re-enter paperwork. That’s 100 hours weekly for the entire department that can now be spent elsewhere! 

Learn more about Complaint Management in Local Government in Our Trenton, NJ Case Study and learn about GovInspect Software here!

                                          About GovPilot

GovPilot Is Here To Help You Go Paperless 

Digital transformation is impending and local governments can begin their journey by moving operations online and going fully paperless. GovPilot moves your governments permit requests, license requests, inspections, and other forms online to eliminate paper waste and speed up timelines. 

Check Out Software Solutions For Various Government Departments 

Curious and want to learn more? Check out our resource on How GovPilot Works here and book a consultation with our experts to learn what we could do for your municipal, digital transformation. 

                                     Book a Free Consultation


Tags: Government Efficiency, Digital Transformation, GovTech